Country Charm Lavender Bouquet
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Country Charm Lavender Bouquet
Try this custom hand made wheat and lavender bouquet. Medium size lavender bouquet with just a hint of wheat. Great for weddings, centerpieces, events, fireplaces, or decorate any room with something fun in the corner. You will love the look it gives your area. We guarantee it.
Product: Country Charm Lavender Bouquet
Exclusive: This bouquet made exclusively by us for our customers
Size: Medium bouquet
Wrap: Comes finished and wrapped with raffia
Top Diameter: 7-9 inches
Stem Length: 18-22 inches top to bottom
Bouquet Ingredients: Wheat, French Lavender
Case Option: Buy a full case of 10 flower Bouquets and Save Even More.
- Brands CuriousCountryCreations com
- Product Code: 1048
- Availability: In Stock
- $38.99
- $30.99
Available Options
Tags: Country Charm, Lavender Bouquet, wheat bouquets
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