Wild and Free Echinops Oats Bouquet
Wild and Free Echinops Oats Bouquet
Amazing already made bouquet for you decor. Comes wrapped in burlap and ready for your table or jar. You will love the mixture of wild oats avena and echinops that give it the unique look and name. Try some of these bouquets today. You will be glad you did.
Prouduct: Wild and Free Echinops Oats Bouquet
Length: 20-24 inches long
Base Width: 2.5-3 inches
Top Width: 7-8 inches
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Ingredients: Avena and Echinops ( It is biodegradable and grown without pesticides in USA )
Color: light green and blue
Case Option: Buy a full case of 12 bouquets and Save even More!